What the Insurance Claim Rep Won’t Tell You about Your Personal Injury Claim

If you are involved in a situation where you suffer a personal injury, you may begin speaking with an insurance adjuster or representative for the at-fault party. While you may believe this is the best way to get compensation for your injuries, this isn’t always the case. After all, claim representatives for insurance carriers are experts at what they need to do. The claims representative for any liability insurance company has the training to ensure your claim costs the insurance company as little as possible. This means that your compensation is going to be just a small percentage of what is considered to be a fair and reasonable settlement.

Personal Injury

If you suffer an injury due to the fault of another, and don’t seek legal help from a personal injury attorney, the hardball tactics that these claims representatives use may leave you feeling confused. While you may feel as though you are being taken advantage of, it may be impossible to figure out how to get a fair settlement. The claims agent is likely going to begin pressuring you to accept a low settlement that isn’t in your best interest and in these cases, what you don’t know can really hurt you.

In fact, there are several things an insurance claims representative isn’t going to tell you, which is why it is so important to have proper legal representation. Learn more here.

Insurance Company Misleading Factor: They are Searching for Signs of Contributory Negligence for the Personal Injury Case

In the state of Virginia, even if it is found that you are one percent at fault for the accident in a way that contributed to the cause, then you will not be able to recover any compensation for your property damage or injuries.

If you happen to give a recorded statement after the accident, you may say things you shouldn’t. Unfortunately, many accident victims don’t even know they are saying things they should not. This is why it is so important to seek legal representation as early as possible. They can ensure you don’t take any fault for the accident.

Insurance Company Misleading Factor: You Have the Right to Refuse the Recorded Statement Related to the Personal Injury Case

When a claim representative requests that you make a recorded statement, they won’t let you know that you can refuse this, or that you can receive a copy of it. They will tell you that they have to get things started and the recorded statement will determine liability or some other half-truth. The claim rep is only going to ask certain questions about the accident, ones that will help them pay you less, or not at all.

If you give this statement, you are just giving the insurance company the ammunition they need to reduce the settlement you receive. An attorney can provide more information on this, but it is best to avoid this without legal representation.

The Importance of Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney

If you are involved in a car accident, you may want to accept your settlement and move on. However, this may mean that you are accepting a settlement that is not fair, leaving you without the funds you need down the road. If you need legal help after a car accident, contact the team of attorneys at Hilton & Somer by calling (703) 560-0700.

Additional reading

Have Uber and Lyft Reduced the Number of Car Accidents?

Spinal Cord Injuries: Do You Need a Lawyer?