Avoiding Winter Slip and Falls

Avoiding Winter Slip and FallsThe winter season brings with it a lot of benefits. Fun and exciting activities such as snowmobile trails, ice rinks, ski hills, etc. open and a variety of community winter sports become popular. However, the cold weather also increases safety concerns, including the higher risk of slip and fall injuries. This article looks at the various types of winter slip and fall injuries, ways to minimize their risk, and lists recommendations on what to do in case of such an accident.

Types of Winter Slip and Fall Injuries

Many kinds of injuries can result from winter slip and falls. People who have pre-existing condition can be made worse by such an accident. Those who are in perfect health can also get severely injured. Some common slip-and-fall injuries during winters include:

  • Muscle strains
  • Broken bones
  • Knee injuries
  • Sprains, including wrist and ankle sprains
  • Cuts and bruises
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Concussions
  • Spine and back injuries
  • Joint dislocations

Where Do Winter Slip and Fall Injuries Occur?

During the winter months, the risk of slip and falls is very high. You can slip and fall on ice, snow, or other winter hazards such as slippery roads or surfaces and environmental cold.  The most common injuries happen near entries and exits to retail and grocery stores, on sidewalks of businesses, and in parking lots.

Who is Responsible for Such an Accident?

Generally, the property owner, property management company or those in charge of controlling the property have a duty to use reasonable care to prevent dangerous conditions within their premises. If they fail in their duty to do so and if their negligence leads to someone getting injured on their property, they may be held responsible for the slip and fall accident.

What to Do If You Fall

Here are some things you should do after a winter slip and fall injury:

  • If possible, notify the manager or other employees on duty if your slip and fall injury occurred at a business location and make sure that an incident report is generated.
  • Photograph the place of your accident if possible.
  • If the incident was witnessed by others, get their contact information.
  • Be sure to seek immediate medical help.
  • Do not automatically assume that you are at fault for your injury.

Last but not least, don’t sign anything without getting legal advice first. Hire the help of a slip and fall accident attorney.

How to Avoid a Winter Slip and Fall Accident

Slip and fall accidents in the winter can lead to serious injuries. Fortunately, you can minimize the risk and avoid such an injury by following common sense safety precautions. Here are some key recommendations:

  • Slow down. Wet and slippery surfaces are common during the cold weather and can be easily hidden by debris or snow.
  • Try to have both of your hands free as it helps with balance.
  • If you are walking somewhere that has designated walkways, be sure to use them.
  • Use handrails wherever they are available.
  • If you are forced to walk across a snowy or icy patch, then it is recommended that you use shuffling, short steps instead of long strides.
  • If you think you are approaching a slippery area, test it by tapping the surface with your foot. Don’t hesitate to take an alternate route if its available.
  • Wear weather-appropriate footwear whenever possible.

Hilton & Somer, LLC: Slip And Fall Attorneys located in Fairfax and licensed to practice in Virginia, Maryland and in the District of Columbia

If you have suffered a winter slip and fall injury, you owe it to yourself to hire the help of a professional to assist you with your potential injury claim. At Hilton & Somer, LLC, we have experience with such cases. We will thoroughly evaluate your case to determine what legal options you have. Our seasoned slip and fall attorneys will make sure that you receive full and adequate compensation for your pain, suffering, lost wages and medical costs. Call 703-560-0700 or get in touch with us via our online contact form for a free consultation.

